Our operatives can track down assets relative to any fraud through to deciphering complex international corporate structures including money laundering activities and offshore holdings.


  • 1. What can i report?
    Report anything you think may be a fraud, scam, or bad business practice.
  • 2.I'm not sure if it's a scam or fraud — should I still report it?
    Yes, please report it. Whether you think it’s a scam, you know it is, or you’re not happy about a business practice, tell LegalRefund.
  • 3.Can I file a report if I don't live in the U.S.?
    If you live outside the U.S. or want to report an international scam, you can report to us.
  • 1.What do I need to file a report?
    Anything you can tell us about your experience is helpful. Please share as much or as little information as you'd like. If you paid any money, we'll ask how much, and when you paid. We'll also ask for any information you might have about whoever you're reporting — like their name and any contact information you have.
  • 2.What does GTR do with my personal information?
    Protecting the privacy and security of consumers' personal information is very important to us. Giving us your contact information can help if we need more information, but how much information you share is up to you.
  • 3.How do I get my money back?
    After you file your report, we will give you steps to take that could help as you try to get your money back or stop a charge, depending on how you paid. The quicker you act, the better your chance of getting your money back.

Still stuck ask directly.

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Your Lost Funds